You’re ready to get moving, and need to heal your body - but you don’t know where to start...

It's Postpartum

Repair & Restore LIVE!

8 Week Online Group Coaching Series

with Postpartum Experts Kendra Fitzgerald & Nicole Coons

APRIL 30 - JUNE 23

Visit Our Website

Inside Postpartum Repair & Restore LIVE 8-week Group Experience, you’ll get the EXACT steps to

Reclaim Your Core & Pelvic Floor Strength


Ditch Back Pain, Achy Hips, and Pooches For Good


RESULTS From The Current

Jan 2023 Session:

We're Nicole & Kendra!

Co-Founders of Devoted Mamas, and sisters.

Since 2012, we’ve been helping moms address postpartum pain, leaking and squishiness for good, and we’ve found the perfect combination of what works. 

Because the key to all of this isn’t just doing any ol’ workout program.

  • You need a blend of the RIGHT Correction-Focused exercises
  • That are personalized, based on an assessment of your body's unique needs
  • AS WELL AS short rock-it-out-before-your-coffee-gets-cold workouts and that never require you to choose between hanging with your baby and getting your body strong.

But the catch? The magic bullet for one person could be poison for another.

And the intensity and amount of weight that each person needs depends on the person, too.

The solution for a time-strapped but determined mom who needs an approach that will work for them?

Is right here:

This is the program for you to get back to exercise with full confidence in your body.

Postpartum Repair & Restore: LIVE is an 8-week online group program that will guide you step-by-step through our method for restoring your core and pelvic floor, all while ensuring at each week that the work your doing is the RIGHT work for your body.

Maybe you're thinking...

"Once my baby starts sleeping through the night I'll have more time."

"When I'm back to work and on a better schedule I'll be better about exercising."


🔵 The reality?  Mom Life = Zero Time

Regaining stability & strength at the core and pelvic floor - quickly, safely and completely…

(while also caring for a wiggly baby or busy toddler, getting a fraction of the sleep you actually need, and navigating increasing demands as you head back to work or full-time motherhood)...

can make getting back to fitness in postpartum feel overwhelming, time-consuming, and downright impossible.

Many moms still see pelvic floor and core restoration in postpartum as something that:

  • Should wait until you’re done having babies and the kids are older.
  • Is a lost cause if you “miss” the postpartum window.
  • A nice to have - they should just be grateful for the body they have.

Which sometimes?

Turns into DECADES… never really giving themselves permission to focus on their inner strength again. 

Meaning, they spent their MOST ACTIVE YEARS AS A MOM feeling weak and disconnected from their deepest layers of strength.

🔵 We can’t talk about Postpartum Fitness without addressing the QUESTION THAT CHALLENGES MOMS MOST:

“Is whatever I’m doing even going to work for me?”

Over the last few years, we’ve seen an explosion of YouTube channels, Instagram accounts and celebrities stepping out to focus on postpartum exercise.

With all this flurry of information, you’ve probably noticed some negative side effects like:

  • You feel like your body is broken when the exercise routine that healed *her* body doesn’t have the same effect on your body.
  • Your motivation starts dropping faster than the Times Square New Year’s Eve ball when your postpartum pooch just won’t seem to budge.
  • The cursed “leaking down there” and back pain are getting worse rather than better, despite trying everything.

All this can make you feel defeated, like....why even bother?

But the truth is, if these challenges of mom life and doubt are like the dark clouds of doom getting you down, there’s also a silver lining of opportunity right under your nose.


That’s right. Whether you...

  • grew a 6 lb OR 10 lb baby (Nicole and her 9lb 11oz baby feel ya),
  • had a c-section OR vaginal delivery,
  • stayed uber fit during pregnancy OR were on bed rest the entire time.
  • or are 3 weeks or 3 years postpartum...

It doesn’t matter.


Why? Because every mother's muscles stretched during pregnancy to make space for baby, and ALSO every mother's skeletal system changed. YES - YOUR BONES moved.

Your ribcage flared and spread wide so baby could grow up and out.

You got comfortable with shallow breathing patterns (because when you do anything for 9 months for the sake of baby, it starts to feel comfortable even if it’s not helping you).

Your pelvis widened and rotated forward to make more space for baby.

Everyone arrives in postpartum with a few basic - but HUGE - shifts to the underlying scaffolding and deep musculature of their body.

And these shifts need to be addressed in postpartum as part of your core and pelvic floor restoration.

The reason you’re not seeing the progress and feeling the strength you want to feel is because you’re activating muscles in positions left over from pregnancy.


The secret to your postpartum core & pelvic floor recovery is hidden in fixing your ALIGNMENT and HOW you’re moving.

You need a NO-GUESSWORK PLAN of ALIGNMENT-FOCUSED MOVES that are correct for your stage of postpartum AND your unique body’s needs,

to increase your core and pelvic floor strength, so that you can start FEEEELING your muscles and that deep inner strength you thought you left at the maternity ward.

This 👆 is the formula, my friend...

And now, instead of you having to do all this guessing and

trial-and-error on your own...

We’re sharing access to the exact process we use with our 1:1 clients AND

the exact workouts that will help you feel your muscles strengthening 

+ the education and supervision you need to know you’re doing it right.

This is the program for you to get back to exercise with full confidence in your body.

Postpartum Repair & Restore: LIVE is an 8-week online group program that will guide you step-by-step through our method for restoring your core and pelvic floor, all while ensuring at each week that the work your doing is the RIGHT work for your body.

April 2023:



And get our expert eyes on your form ALL along the way.


We're Moms Just Like You!

Kendra & Nicole, Co-Founders of Devoted Mamas, and sisters.


We’ve been teaching students in movement and mindfulness for over 15 years, and our vision of supporting prenatal & postpartum moms came into laser focus when we had kids of our own.


Nicole's kids are 14 and 10, and Kendra's are 9 and 5. With each pregnancy, we understood more and more just how important the CORRECT movement is for pregnancy and postpartum.


We also realized the significant role a mother's MINDSET and SUPPORT play in her experience through pregnancy, birth and postpartum.


The long and winding roads we took to find reliable guidance we could trust (and going down many dead ends in the process) led us to develop clear methods to support mothers from pregnancy through postpartum. 

Since Devoted Mamas' founding in 2017, our mission is to help you through all the stages of motherhood - stay super strong (and calm!) during pregnancy, be the BOSS of your birth, and help you bring life back to your core + pelvic floor in postpartum.

By Becoming a Postpartum Repair & Restore Student , You'll:


Postpartum Repair & Restore LIVE is a three-part program for the busy mom who’s ready to grow her strength - without wasting time on ineffective kegels and thousands of crunches.




Postpartum Repair & Restore LIVE is a snappy, three-part program that is part WORKOUT, part LEARNING, part INTEGRATION into your life.

PLUS - You'll be getting LIVE, personalized input and feedback from us each week along the way.

April 2023:

These 6 Bonuses Are Yours to Keep When You Join.*


Get Postpartum Repair & Restore: LIVE for as little as $2.73 / day.

⬇️ I'm Ready to Unlock My Deepest Strength! ⬇️


We know you probably think that doing pelvic floor strengthening or core work is annoying, but do you see what you’re missing out on by NOT doing it?

  • Feeling that awesome muscle 'burn' again, within the first week.
  • The chance to feel your body getting stronger every single week.
  • Tossing those postpartum aches and pains away along with your maternity pants.
  • The ability to hold and carry your kid for as long as you want.
  • Wearing that sexy dress to your cousin's wedding with sheer confidence.
  • Freedom. To. Run. Jump. Play…Have Sex (Without pain, leaking or embarrasment) ❤️‍🔥

April 2023:

Here's What Postpartum Repair & Restore IS and IS NOT:

More Questions? We've Got Answers!

Q: What's the benefit of joining the Live Round in April?

A: Imagine trying to teach yourself how to play the piano, versus having a teacher there to guide your learning and progress. The benefits of regular interaction with a teacher are many, whatever your goal.

The LIVE round starting in April 2023 includes DAILY opportunities for support from both Nicole and me in a private Facebook group. We will also hold LIVE Zoom coaching calls each week (8 calls in total!) where we answer your questions, help you troubleshoot, tackle motivation challenges, and more.

Q: What if I can’t make the live coaching calls, will there be replay?

A: Yep! First, we'll establish the times for the calls by polling the LIVE participants in order to find the time and day that works for the majority of people. The calls will be during the daytime, during the week.

Second, rest assured that the live coaching calls will be recorded, and if you can’t make it live, you will have an opportunity to send us your questions so we can answer them on the call. Replays will be available for further viewing after the live 8 weeks end in the archived group.

Q: I find it really hard to motivate myself. How will this program help me stick to it?

A: We hear you! It can be hard to motivate when you feel the motivation has to come out of thin air. Our method is guaranteed to give you what is missing from most other postpartum programs that we've researched. 

We teach you the anatomy and mechanics of how this works so you have a visual connection to what you're doing and WHY.

Armed with this information, we've found the inspiration and motivation appear quite naturally. 

If you're still struggling for motivation, the accountability provided in the live group coaching will light a fire. Know that there are lots of other mamas in our community who feel the same as you do. It’s one of the biggest hurdles we see mamas overcoming in this work, and they are overcoming it!

Q: How long will I have access to the program?

A: You will have a full year of access to the Postpartum Repair & Restore course! We have found that once mothers step through the program, many get a lot of benefit from repeating the entire program or going back to certain weeks to deepen their understanding or mastery of the practices.

Q: Is it ok to do this program if I had a c-section?

A: Absolutely. It's equally as important for c-section moms to address core and pelvic floor function. We also have a special module for c-section considerations, and you're going to love how this course helps you turn on your core and pelvic floor and address the numbness around your scar.

Q: How soon can I start the program after giving birth?

A: First, you should absolutely follow your OB/GYN and Midwife's directives. That being said, you CAN join the program before your 6-week clearance. We’ve had moms join the program 3 weeks postpartum and they found it very useful to focus on the learning during that time. 

We also offer modifications throughout the program to fit the early stages of recovery, and we can provide you even more personalized feedback and support in the Facebook group while you're going through the program. PLUS, you'll have a full year of access to this course so you can digest the information at your own speed of recovery and revisit the information as you need.    

Q: What equipment do I need?

A: All you need is an exercise mat, a resistance band or long scarf, and a medium-sized ball (a child's ball will work fine). Light dumbells are optional for a few exercises. Most exercises only require your body weight or you could also use household items.

Q: How many hours can I expect to work on this each week?

A: With the video lessons, weekly practice, and daily habit implementation, you can expect about 2-3 hours each week. But most of the work can be done in small 10-minute increments of time, and watching a video is not needed for all practices. There are 168 hours in a week, 56 of which are spent sleeping (ideally!). That leaves you with 112 hours to allocate as you wish. Your goals are worth 5 hours a week!

Q: Is this program still appropriate for someone with more severe diastasis?

A: Yes. It’s totally safe for severe diastasis and can pair well with your Physical Therapy protocol (and as always, follow your medical professional's advice). Our entire method is rooted in corrective exercise and physical therapy concepts, which can set you on a really solid path. The exercises are progressive AND we teach you how to tell if you're doing the work correctly so you become the driver of your own recovery.

Q: I've tried other online programs that made my issues (bulging tummy, weak abs, achy back, headaches, etc.) worse. How is Postpartum Repair & Restore different?

A: A bulging tummy, weak-feeling abs, lower back pain and mild incontinence can absolutely be related to pelvic floor and deep core weakness, and the great news is - it can be resolved.

It’s also totally possible for your abs to bulge more and to start having pelvic floor issues after doing other program workouts if the instructor didn’t make it clear what you should be feeling or how to manage the pressure in your core. It’s possible to do it incorrectly, but a few small tweaks in your form can make all the difference.

Fortunately, all of this is exactly what we cover in the course! We help you understand exactly how to deeply engage your core properly, what you should feel and where, and in the live coaching we will help you refine your form so you really feel it in the right spots without bulging and without incontinence issues. AND, there is an entire week dedicated to posture & upper back strengthening because as new moms we need as much upper body strength as possible to carry around these kids who keep getting bigger and heavier!

Q: Is this program appropriate for someone without severe issues pelvic floor or abdominal issues who wants to prepare for more athletic pursuits?

A: Yes! Kendra being a runner herself, we totally get wanting to set the stage with a solid and functional core as an athlete. It’s so important! Without a doubt, this program would be GREAT for you. We start with the foundational work of pelvic floor and deep core connection and then add on more intensity as the weeks go on. What’s also really cool is that we can get into your specific needs for upping your program intensity in the weekly Q&As, and you can even post videos of your running gait and exercise postures so we can help you advance your workouts even more.

But to be honest, for athletes the main point of resistance in postpartum recovery is mental, whether we realize it or not. We jump back into what we were doing before without much thought because we just want to get back into it. But often times that can lead to disastrous results...and injury & setback. We address this head-on in the course and help you overcome that mental hurdle so you can get to your goals without setbacks and injuries.  

Q: Can I still do this program if I am 6+ months postpartum?

A: Absolutely. It's never too late to restore your body and repair your core and pelvic floor. In fact, women at any stage of life have benefitted from the program.

Q: What if I still have questions?

If you have a specific question we haven’t addressed, then please don’t let that stop you from making a decision! Reach out to us at and let us get you answers immediately.


Now, More Than Ever, Moms Need Support and Strength for the Journey of Motherhood.

But the key to creating physical and mental strength?

You gotta start - today.

The good news?

It's not too late to turn playtime with your kids into an opportunity for strengthening, or learn how to close your diastasis so you can get rid of that nagging back pain.

The better news?

You don't have to spend HOURS working out to see results.

All you need is 10-15 minutes a day to make BIG progress on your recovery.


⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️